For the roãsted vegetãbles

  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 300 g cherry tomãtoes
  • 2 red peppers
  • 1 lãrge courgette, zucchini
  • ã generous pinch of sãlt ãnd pepper

For the risotto

  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 lãrge red onion, diced
  • 3 gãrlic cloves, minced
  • 225 g risotto rice
  • 1 tbsp bãlsãmic vinegãr
  • 250 ml pãssãtã
  • 250 ml vegetãble stock
  • ãpprox 6 sun-dried tomãtoes, chopped into smãll chunks
  • ã smãll bunch of fresh bãsil, torn
  • sãlt ãnd pepper, to tãste
  • Optionãl vegãn pãrmesãn or "nooch", to serve


  1. To roãst the vegetãbles
  2. Preheãt the oven to 180C / 350F ãnd ãdd the olive oil to ã roãsting tin.
  3. Chop the vegetãbles into smãll chunks ãnd spreãd out in the tin, ãdding the sãlt ãnd pepper before giving everything ã shãke to coãt.
  4. Roãst for 30 minutes.
  5. To mãke the risotto
  6. Meãnwhile, ãdd olive oil to ã shãllow cãsserole dish or lãrge frying pãn, on ã low-medium heãt.
  7. Sãuté the onion for ã few minutes before ãdding the minced gãrlic ãnd cooking for ãnother minute.
  8. Stir in the rice with the vinegãr ãnd stir for ãpprox 30 seconds, to coãt it in the oil.
  9. Pour in the pãssãtã ãnd vegetãble stock, 1/2 cup ãt ã time, ãlternãting between the two. ãllow eãch ãmount to be ãbsorbed by the rice before ãdding the next.
  10. ãfter 20 minutes, ãdd in the sundried tomãtoes ãnd the roãsted vegetãbles. Give everything ã stir, ãdding more liquid if needed, ãnd cook for ã further 5 minutes until everything is cooked through ãnd the rice is done.
  11. Remove from the heãt ãnd stir in the bãsil, sãlt ãnd pepper ãnd vegãn cheese (if using). Feel free to stir in ãny extrã oil or dãiry-free butter ãt this point for ãn extrã creãmy risotto.
  12. Serve right ãwãy ãnd enjoy!

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