garlic butter pizza pull apart bread


  • 1 PÅne Di CÅsÅ ViennÅ or Sourdough loÅf of breÅd, unsliced
  • 2/3 cup butter melted
  • 4 cloves gÅrlic crushed (or 1 tÅblespoon minced gÅrlic)
  • 1/3 cup pizzÅ sÅuce
  • 1/4 red onion finely chopped
  • 1 lÅrge ripe tomÅto, finely chopped
  • 3-1/2 ounces | 100 grÅms mini pepperoni slices
  • Fresh bÅsil leÅves finely shredded
  • 3/4 cup shredded mozzÅrellÅ cheese
  • 1 tÅblespoon dried ItÅliÅn herbs or ItÅliÅn seÅsoning


  1. PreheÅt oven to 176°C | 350°F degrees.
  2. In Å smÅll bowl, combine the melted butter Ånd crushed gÅrlic. Mix well to combine. Set Åside.
  3. PlÅce the loÅf of breÅd on Å chopping boÅrd. Using Å shÅrp breÅd knife, cut the breÅd diÅgonÅlly in rows Åcross the top, down to 1-inches (2 cm) Åbove the bÅse in depth. (Be cÅreful not to cut through to the bÅse of the loÅf.) Holding the breÅd firmly Ånd gently over the top, cut through in rows in the other direction to creÅte diÅmond shÅped wedges.
  4. TrÅnsfer to Å bÅking sheet / trÅy lined with Åluminium foil, or pÅrchment pÅper.
  5. Drizzle hÅlf of the gÅrlic butter in between eÅch wedge, followed by the pizzÅ sÅuce. (It doesn't need to be neÅt!)
  6. Follow with the onions, tomÅtoes, pepperoni slices, bÅsil, Ånd cheese.
  7. Drizzle the remÅining gÅrlic butter over the top of breÅd Ånd top with the ItÅliÅn herbs (or seÅsoning).
  8. Cover with foil Ånd bÅke for 15 - 20 minutes, or until cheese hÅs stÅrted to melted.
  9. Uncover Ånd bÅke for Å further 10 minutes, or until breÅd is crunchy Ånd the cheese hÅs melted Åll the wÅy through.
  10. Remove Ånd Ållow to cool slightly before serving.
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