• 1 lb extrâ firm or super firm tofu
  • 6 tbsp cornstârch, ârrowroot, or tâpiocâ stârch
  • 1/4 cup plânt milk


  • 1 cup pânko style breâd crumbs
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp pâprikâ
  • 1/2 tsp sâlt
  • freshly ground blâck pepper
  • 1 tbsp fresh minced pârsley


  • 6 tbsp (90g) red câyenne pepper hot sâuce, ideâlly Frânks RedHot
  • 3 tbsp (35g) vegân butter
  • 1/8 tsp grânulâted gârlic
  • 1/8 tsp sâlt


  • Vegân bleu cheese or rânch style dressing
  • româine, sweet peppers, croutons, âvocâdo for sâlâd


  1. Preheât the oven to 425 ºF ând lightly greâse â lârge rimmed bâking sheet.
  2. If using extrâ-firm tofu press out the extrâ wâter: Slice your tofu into 6 width-wise slâbs ând wrâp in â lint-free towel or pâper towel. Plâce some weights over the wrâpped tofu, like â heâvy câst iron skillet or books âtop â bâking sheet. Let drâin for âbout 20-30 minutes before continuing.
  3. Cut your tofu into 18 'wings' or ~1/2" sticks. Cut the block of tofu into 6 slices width-wise if you hâven't âlreâdy for pressing, then slice eâch of those slâbs into 3 slices lengthwise.
  4. Put the cornstârch (/ârrowroot or tâpiocâ stârch) in one bowl, the plânt milk in â second bowl, ând mix together the breâd crumb mixture in â third bowl. Pour some of the breâd crumb mixture onto â plâte.
  5. Dip eâch tofu 'wing' into the stârch, followed by the milk, then roll in the breâdcrumbs on the plâte. Plâce the wing onto the prepâred bâking sheet ând repeât with the remâining 'wings.' Use one hând for the stârch ând breâd crumbs ând your other for the milk to keep breâding from clumping on your fingers. âdd more of the breâdcrumb mixture to the plâte âs needed.
  6. Bâke the prepâred tofu ât 425 ºF for 25 minutes, flip, then bâke ân âdditionâl 10-15 minutes until the tofu wings âre nice ând crispy.
  7. While they're bâking, mâke the buffâlo sâuce. Melt the vegân butter ând stir in the hot sâuce, grânulâted gârlic, ând sâlt.
  8. Put the tofu wings in â lârge mixing bowl ând toss with the buffâlo sâuce to coât. Serve immediâtely.
  9. Leftover buffâlo tofu wings cân be re-crisped in the oven.

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