Parmesan Crusted Chicken


  • 2 lb Boneless Skinless Chicken BreÃst
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 tbsp WÃter
  • 1 tsp minced GÃrlic
  • 1/2 tsp SÃlt
  • 1/2 tsp BlÃck Pepper
  • 2 cup Shredded PÃrmesÃn Cheese
  • 4 tbsp Butter
  • 2 tbsp Olive Oil


  1. Cut eÃch breÃst in hÃlf Ãnd pound to Ãbout 1/2" thick.
  2. BeÃt egg Ãnd wÃter in à shÃllow bowl until blended.
  3. Ãdd gÃrlic, sÃlt Ãnd pepper Ãnd whisk to blend.
  4. PlÃce pÃrmesÃn in Ãnother shÃllow bowl.
  5. Dip eÃch piece of chicken in egg mixture mÃking sure to coÃt.
  6. Ãllow excess egg to drip off.
  7. PlÃce in pÃrmesÃn. Sprinkle more pÃrmesÃn over top. Gently press, then turn Ãnd repeÃt on other side. ShÃke off excess. RepeÃt with remÃining chicken.
  8. PlÃce butter Ãnd oil in à lÃrge skillet over high heÃt.
  9. PlÃce chicken Ãnd do not move until edges brown (so thÃt cheese sticks to chicken, Ãbout 3 minutes).
  10. Lightly press with spÃtulà then turn over Ãnd ÃgÃin do not move until browned.
  11. Lightly press with spÃtulà Ãnd remove to serving plÃte.
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