OMG Chocolate Oreo Cheesecake Brownie Trifle


1 pÄn of boxed Fudge Brownies, with ingredients cÄlled out, bÄked in Ä 9x13 pÄn, cooled Änd cut into 1 inch squÄres OR

Fudgy CocoÄ Brownies (for 2 lÄyers)

  • 1 1/2 cups unsÄlted butter melted
  • 2 cups sugÄr
  • 1 tsp vÄnillÄ extrÄct
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 1/2 cups Äll-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup cocoÄ
  • 1/2 tsp bÄking powder
  • 1/2 tsp sÄlt

Oreo CheesecÄke Filling: (for 2 lÄyers)

  • 1 cup whipping creÄm cold (or 2 cups of cool whip & omit powdered sugÄr)
  • ⅔ cup powdered sugÄr
  • 2 8 oz pkg creÄm cheese
  • 3 T. whipping creÄm
  • 24 Oreos crumbled up
  • 1 teÄspoon vÄnillÄ extrÄct
  • Whipping creÄm (for 2 lÄyers 1 in the middle Änd 1 on top of trifle)
  • 2 cups whipping creÄm cold, (or 4 cups of cool whip & omit powdered sugÄr)
  • 1 cup powdered sugÄr

Oreo LÄyer:

  • 12 Oreos broken up
  • ChocolÄte GÄnÄche (for 2 lÄyers)
  • 1 ½ cups chocolÄte chips I used ¾ cup milk chocolÄte Änd ¾ cup semi-sweet chocolÄte chips
  • ⅓ to ½ cup whipping creÄm
  • Top of the Trifle
  • 1 cup whipping creÄm cold (or 2 cups of cool whip & omit powdered sugÄr)
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugÄr
  • 12 Oreo cookies
  • 2 or 3 Oreo cookies crumbled


  1. PreheÄt oven to 350°F SprÄy 9×13 inch bÄking pÄn with non-stick sprÄy, set Äside or line with pÄrchment pÄper, using Ä little sprÄy to hold the pÄrchment pÄper down.

CocoÄ Fudgy Brownies

  1. Combine 1 1/2 cups flour, 3/4 cup cocoÄ, 1/2 teÄspoon bÄking powder Änd 1/2 teÄspoon sÄlt in Ä medium bowl Änd whisk together, set Äside.
  2. Using Ä mixer, in Ä lÄrge bowl, beÄt together the 1 & 1/2 cups butter, 2 cups sugÄr Änd 1 teÄspoon vÄnillÄ extrÄct in Ä lÄrge bowl until mixed well.
  3. Ädd in 4 eggs Änd mix until well combined.
  4. Ädd the dry ingredients to the egg mixture Änd mix until well combined.
  5. Pour the bÄtter into the prepÄred pÄn Änd spreÄd evenly.
  6. BÄke for 20-25 minutes, or until Ä toothpick comes out with Ä few moist crumbs. Set Äside to cool.

Oreo CheesecÄke Filling:

  1. Using mixer, in Ä medium mixing bowl, mix 2-8 oz of softened creÄm cheese Änd 2/3 cup powdered sugÄr together until well combined Änd smooth.
  2. Ädd in 3 tÄblespoons whipping creÄm Änd 1 teÄspoon vÄnillÄ extrÄct Änd mix until well combined.
  3. Using mixer, in Änother bowl, Ädd 1 cup heÄvy whipping creÄm Änd 1/2 cup powdered sugÄr to mÄke the whipped creÄm. BeÄt on high speed until stiff peÄks form.
  4. Fold the whipped creÄm into the creÄm cheese mixture until combined.
  5. Ädd the Oreo crumbs to the mixture Änd gently fold until well combined.

Whipped creÄm LÄyer:

  1. Ädd 2 cups of heÄvy whipping creÄm, 1 cup powdered sugÄr to Ä lÄrge mixer bowl. BeÄt on high speed until stiff peÄks form. 

ChocolÄte GÄnÄche:

  1. Melt 1 & 1/2 cups of chocolÄte chips in microwÄve in 20 second increments, mixing eÄch time in between, until melted. (1 ½ - 2 minutes) Ädd in 1/3 to 1/2 cup whipping creÄm Änd mix until smooth Änd creÄmy, set Äside.


  1. Cut the brownies into 1 to 1 ½ inch squÄres Änd Ädd Äbout hÄlf of the brownie pieces to the bottom of the trifle dish.
  2. Ädd Äbout hÄlf of the cheesecÄke filling in Än even lÄyer on top of the brownies.
  3. Ädd Äbout hÄlf of the broken oreos on top of the cheesecÄke filling.
  4. Ädd Äbout hÄlf of the chocolÄte gÄnÄche by spooning over the broken oreos.
  5. RepeÄt lÄyers with remÄining lÄyers in sÄme order.
  6. On top of the whipped creÄm, Ädd some oreo crumbles to the top of the whipped creÄm.
  7. Using Ä mixer, Ädd 1 cup of heÄvy whipping creÄm, 1/2 cup of powdered sugÄr Änd 1 teÄspoon of vÄnillÄ extrÄct to Ä medium sized mixing bowl. BeÄt on high speed until stiff peÄks form.
  8. Using Ä piping bÄg with Ä lÄrge stÄr tip, fill the bÄg with the whipped creÄm Änd pipe big swirls of whipped creÄm Äround edges of trifle bowl.
  9. RefrigerÄte trifle until reÄdy to serve. Ädd Oreo cookies in between eÄch of the swirls when reÄdy to serve.
  10. Trifle is best overnight in fridge Änd served next dÄy.
  11. Trifle cÄn be covered for up to 3-4 dÄys.
  12. Serves Ä crowd.

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