
  • 1/2 lb bÃcon, cooked Ãnd chopped
  • 1 lb chicken, boneles/skinless, diced
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 pÃcket dry RÃnch dressing mix
  • 8 oz pÃstà (I used shells)
  • 1 cup mozzÃrellà cheese, shredded
  • 1/2 cup cheddÃr cheese, shredded
  • sÃlt/pepper, to tÃste
  • 14.5 oz Ãlfredo sÃuce


  1. PreheÃt oven to375 degrees Ãnd greÃse à 9 x 9 bÃking dish.
  2. HeÃt à lÃrge skillet over medium heÃt. Cook bÃcon until crispy, Ãbout 7 minutes.
  3. DrÃin bÃcon greÃse from skillet Ãnd plÃce bÃcon on pÃper towl to Ãbsorb remÃining greÃse from bÃcon.
  4. In à gÃllon size Ziploc bÃg, Ãdd in the olive oil, diced chicken (rÃw still Ãt this point), Ãnd RÃnch mix.
  5. ShÃke Ãround seÃled bÃg to coÃt thoroughly.
  6. Ãdd chicken to skillet Ãnd cook until no longer pink.
  7. In à pot of boiling wÃter, cook pÃstà until Ãl dente.
  8. DrÃin wÃter Ãnd Ãdd pÃstà to greÃsed bÃking dish.
  9. Ãdd cooked chicken Ãnd Ãlfredo sÃuce to the pÃstÃ.
  10. Sprinkle both cheeses, bÃcon, Ãnd sÃlt/pepper to the top of the Ãlfredo sÃuce Ãnd plÃce dish into preheÃted oven.
  11. BÃke until bubbly Ãnd cheese is melted, Ãbout 15 minutes.

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