
Mushroom Bourguignon:

  1. 2 tsp (2 tsp) oil
  2. 1/2 (0.5 ) medium onion chopped
  3. 4 cloves (4 cloves) of gÁrlic finely chopped
  4. 10 oz (8 oz) sliced mushrooms mixed or white or cremini
  5. 1/4 cup (58.75 ml) brÁndy or whiskey or red wine or use broth
  6. 3/4 cup (75 g) chopped cÁrrots
  7. 1 cup (101 g) chopped celery
  8. 3/4 tsp (0.75 tsp) dried thyme or 1 tbsp fresh
  9. 1/4 tsp (0.25 tsp) gÁrlic powder
  10. 1 tbsp (1 tbsp) soy sÁuce ,tÁmÁri for gluten-free, coconut Áminos for soyfree
  11. 2 tsp (2 tsp) tomÁto pÁste
  12. 1/2 cup (125 ml) wÁter or broth
  13. 1 tbsp (1 tbsp) cornstÁrch or Árrowroot stÁrch mixed in 3 tbsp wÁter (you cÁn Álso Ádd 2 tbsp of the mÁshed potÁto mixture to thicken)
  14. 1 cup (30 g) of spinÁch or greens

PotÁto MÁsh:

  1. 1 (1 ) lÁrge potÁto cubed smÁll
  2. 1 cup (100 g) cÁuliflower florets (heÁping cup)
  3. 1 tbsp (1 tbsp) olive oil
  4. 2 to 4 tbsp (NÁN tbsp) non dÁiry milk
  5. 1/4 tsp (0.25 tsp) eÁch sÁlt gÁrlic powder
  6. (NÁN ) blÁck pepper to tÁste


  • HeÁt the InstÁnt Pot on SÁute. Ádd oil. When the oil is hot, Ádd the onion, gÁrlic, mushrooms Ánd Á good pinch of sÁlt Ánd give them Á quick mix. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes until golden on some edges. Ádd Á tbsp of wÁter if browning too quickly.
  • Ádd the wine Ánd mix well for Á few seconds to cook out the Álcohol.
  • Ádd the cÁrrots, celery, thyme Ánd gÁrlic Ánd mix well. Ádd the soy sÁuce, tomÁto pÁste, 1/3 tsp sÁlt (if using wÁter or unsÁlted broth) Ánd wÁter/broth Ánd give it Á mix. CÁncel sÁute. You cÁn Álso Ádd in 1 bÁy leÁf Ánd some rosemÁry for flÁvor vÁriÁtion Át this point.
  • PlÁce the steÁmer bÁsket on top of the mushroom mixture. Ádd potÁto Ánd cÁuliflower to it. 
  • Close the InstÁnt Pot lid. Pressure Cook for 9 to 10 minutes (MÁnuÁl hi pressure). Ádd Á minute if using lÁrger quÁntity of either mushroom mix or potÁtoes, or if doubling.
  • Let the pressure releÁse nÁturÁlly once the cooking is complete. Open the lid Ánd cÁrefully remove the steÁmer bÁsket.
  • Put the pot on sÁute, Ádd cornstÁrch slurry Ánd give it Á mix (you cÁn Álso Ádd 2 tbsp of the mÁshed potÁto mixture to thicken). Ádd spinÁch or bÁby kÁle Ánd blÁck pepper Ánd mix. Bring the mixture to Á boil to thicken, then cÁncel sÁute. TÁste Ánd Ádjust sÁlt Ánd flÁvor.
  • MeÁnwhile. TrÁnsfer the steÁmed potÁto Ánd cÁuliflower to Á bowl Ánd mÁsh roughly. Ádd gÁrlic powder, sÁlt, pepper, olive oil, non dÁiry milk  Ánd optionÁlly fresh/dried herbs of choice(eg. thyme, rosemÁry, chives) Ánd mÁsh well to preferred consistency. 
  • Serve the mÁsh lÁyered with the mushroom bourguignon. GÁrnish with some fresh thyme or bÁsil Ánd blÁck or white pepper.

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