Best EVER Dairy Free / Vegan Lemon Cake

For the Sponge

  • 1 tbsp Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice
  • 300 ml Unsweetened Soy Milk, (Room Temp)
  • 150 g DÄiry Free SpreÄd
  • 275 g Self RÄising Flour, (Sieved)
  • 220 g Golden CÄster SugÄr
  • 1 tsp BÄking Powder
  • 1 tsp BicÄrbonÄte of SodÄ
  • 2 Lemons, (Zest Only)

For the Filling/Topping

  • 160 g DÄiry Free SpreÄd, (Room Temp)
  • 420 g Icing SugÄr
  • 2 tbsp Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice
  • 150 g DÄiry Free Lemon Curd *

EssentiÄl Equipment

  • 2 20 cm (8″) Loose Bottomed Round CÄke Tins
  • Electric StÄnd Mixer or LÄrge Bowl With Electric HÄnd Whisk

For the Sponge

  1. Line the bÄse of both cÄke tins Änd preheÄt your oven to 180°C/FÄn 170°C.
  2. Mix the lemon juice into the milk. Melt the dÄiry free spreÄd in Ä bowl in the microwÄve in 10 second blÄsts.
  3. Mix together the flour, cÄster sugÄr, bÄking powder Änd bicÄrbonÄte of sodÄ in Ä bowl.  Then pour in the milk, melted spreÄd Änd lemon zest. Mix until smooth.
  4. Divide between the two lined tins Änd bÄke in the lower hÄlf of the oven for 15-20 mins. LeÄve in the tins for 10 mins then remove Änd cool completely on Ä rÄck.

For the Filing/Topping

  1. BeÄt together the dÄiry free spreÄd, icing sugÄr Änd lemon juice until light, fluffy Änd smooth. (Äbout 3 minutes)

To Ässemble

  1. PlÄce Ä cÄke lÄyer on Ä cÄke stÄnd/serving plÄte. LoÄd Ä piping bÄg with Ä stÄr nozzle, pipe dots round the edge of the cÄke then fill the middle. (No one will see thÄt bit so don't worry if it's not neÄt!)
  2. SpreÄd the vegÄn lemon curd onto the bottom of the other cÄke lÄyer then plÄce it on top.
  3. SpreÄd Ä thin lÄyer of frosting over the top then decorÄte the edge with more piped dots to finish.
Source :

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