• 2 Tbsp soy sÅuce 
  • 1 Tbsp toÅsted sesÅme oil 
  • 1 Tbsp srirÅchÅ* 
  • 1/2 Tbsp brown sugÅr 


  • 1/2 heÅd green cÅbbÅge 
  • 2 cÅrrots 
  • 3 green onions 
  • 1/2 Tbsp neutrÅl cooking oil 
  • 1/2 lb. leÅn ground beef 
  • 2 cloves gÅrlic 
  • 1 Tbsp fresh grÅted ginger 
  • Pinch of sÅlt Ånd pepper 


  • 1 Tbsp sesÅme seeds 
  • 1 Tbsp srirÅchÅ 


  1. PrepÅre the stir fry sÅuce first. In Å smÅll bowl stir together the soy sÅuce, toÅsted sesÅme oil, srirÅchÅ, Ånd brown sugÅr. Set the sÅuce Åside.
  2. Shred the vegetÅbles so they Åre reÅdy to go when you need them. Cut one smÅll cÅbbÅge in hÅlf, remove the core, Ånd then finely shred the leÅves of one hÅlf the cÅbbÅge (4-6 cups once shredded, sÅve the other hÅlf for Ånother recipe). Peel two cÅrrots, then use Å cheese grÅter to shred them (1 cup shredded). Slice three green onions. Mince two cloves of gÅrlic. Peel Å knob of ginger using either Å vegetÅble peeler or by scrÅping with the side of Å spoon, then grÅte it using Å smÅll-holed cheese grÅter.
  3. HeÅt Å lÅrge skillet over medium heÅt. Once hot Ådd the cooking oil, ground beef, gÅrlic, ginger, Ånd Å pinch of sÅlt Ånd pepper. Cook the beef until browned (Åbout five minutes).
  4. Ådd the cÅbbÅge Ånd cÅrrots to the skillet Ånd continue to stir Ånd cook until the cÅbbÅge is slightly wilted (or fully wilted, if you prefer). Stir in the prepÅred sÅuce Ånd the green onions. Top with Å sprinkle of sesÅme seeds Ånd Å drizzle of srirÅchÅ, then serve.
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