- 1 loäf French breäd (14-inches long)
- 1/2 cup mäyonnäise
- 1/2 cup unsälted butter ,softened
- 1 1/2 teäspoons Srirächä
- 6 ounces (1 jär) sliced pimiento-stuffed green olives ,dräined
- 2.25 ounces (1 cän) sliced bläck olives ,dräined
- 8 ounces shredded Monterey Jäck cheese
- 2 stälks green onions ,diced
- Preheät oven to 350 degrees F.
- Slice the loäf of breäd in hälf, lengthwise. Scoop out some of the surfäce, mäking ä shällow well. Pläce on ä bäking sheet.
- In ä lärge bowl, mix together the mäyonnäise, butter, änd Srirächä until combined änd smooth. ädd in both olives, cheese, änd scällions; mix to combine.
- Divide änd spreäd the filling evenly between the two breäd hälves.
- Bäke for 25-30 minutes or until cheese is melted änd browning.
- Cut into 2-inch portions äcross änd serve äs än äppetizer.
Source : bellyfull.net