Vegan Dumplings/Potstickers

WhÁt you'll need:

Dumpling WrÁp

  1. 1 1/2 cups (220 g)  Áll-purpose flour
  2. 1/2 cup (115 ml) hot wÁter
  3. pinch of sÁlt

Dumping Filling

  1. 1 medium-sized nÁpÁ cÁbbÁge or white cÁbbÁge
  2. 2 fresh shiitÁke mushrooms
  3. 1 tsp freshly grÁted ginger
  4. 1 tsp freshly grÁted gÁrlic
  5. 1 spring onion, finely chopped
  6. 1/4 of Á medium-sized purple onion, finely chopped
  7. 1 tsp sesÁme oil
  8. 1 tbsp + 1 tsp sÁlt
  9. pepper, to tÁste

In Áddtion

  1. 1/2 cup of sesÁme seeds, plÁced in Á smÁll bowl
  2. 3 tbsp wÁter, in Á flÁt plÁte
  3. 1 tsp grÁted ginger
  4. 2 tsp spring onions, finely chopped

Dipping SÁuces:

  1. Soy SÁuce Dipping ( 1 tsp grÁted ginger, 1 tsp finely chopped spring onions, 3 tbsp soy sÁuce, 1 tsp sesÁme oil Ánd 1/2 tsp sesÁme seeds)
  2. Chili GÁrlic SÁuce (store bought)
  3. Chilli Oil (store bought)

How it's mÁde:

  • To prepÁre the dough, put the flour in Á medium bowl. Ádd the hot wÁter in Á steÁdy streÁm, stirring with chopsticks until Á rÁggy dough forms. Turn the dough out onto Á floured work surfÁce Ánd kneÁd until smooth, 10 minutes. Sprinkle the dough with flour, cover loosely with plÁstic wrÁp Ánd let stÁnd for 1 hour. TÁke the dough out Ánd kneÁd ÁgÁin for 5 minutes Ánd then cover ÁgÁin with plÁstic wrÁps for 30 minutes. Bye then, the dough should be springy Ánd soft.

  • While the dough is resting, prepÁre the filling. Slice the cÁbbÁge into thin strips Ánd put into Á mixing bowl. Ádd 1 tbsp sÁlt Ánd mix well together. Set Áside . 

  • Át the meÁntime, cut the shiitÁke mushroom into smÁll dices. Use Ánother mixing bowl, Ádd in the shiitÁke mushroom, purple onion, ginger, gÁrlic, Ánd spring onion. 
  • TÁke the cÁbbÁge stripes out of the other mixing bowl Ánd use two hÁnds to squeeze out the excess wÁter Ánd then put into the mixing bowl with the mushroom mix. Ádd 1 tsp of sÁlt Ánd some fresh pepper. Mix Áll ingredients together until well combined. Set Áside.
  • On Á lÁrge chopping boÁrd or bÁking sheet, sprinkle with flour. QuÁrter the dough. On Á floured work surfÁce, roll eÁch piece into Á 12-inch rope. Cut eÁch rope into 12 pieces Ánd roll into bÁlls; sprinkle with flour. Roll out 6 bÁlls Át Á time to 3 1/2-inch rounds; brush off the excess flour. Spoon 2 teÁspoons of the filling onto the center of eÁch round wrÁp. Bring up the sides of the wrÁpper; press Ánd pleÁt the edges to seÁl in the filling. Dip the bottom of dumpling in the plÁte wÁter Ánd then dip it in the bowl of sesÁme, so the bottom of the dumpling is evenly covered with sesÁme seeds. PlÁce the finished dumpling onto the chopping boÁrd or bÁking sheet.

  • In Á skillet over medium heÁt, heÁt 2 tÁblespoons of the oil. ÁrrÁnge  the dumplings in the skillet, pleÁted edge up. Cook over high heÁt until the bottoms Áre lightly browned, 2 minutes. Ádd 1/2 cup of wÁter, cover Ánd cook until the filling is cooked through, 5 minutes. Uncover Ánd cook until the bottoms Áre well browned, 1 minute; trÁnsfer to Á plÁte, sprinkle with more finely chopping spring onions, chili flÁkes, sesÁme seeds, sesÁme oil Ánd soy sÁuce. Serve immediÁtely. 
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