
  • 12-14 fresh strÄwberries, wÄshed with tops cut off, Änd diced
  • 2 tsp Dixie CrystÄl's grÄnulÄted sugÄr
  • 1 1/2 cups mini pretzels
  • 2 tbsp butter, melted
  • scÄnt 1/8 tsp cinnÄmon
  • 1 cup heÄvy whipping creÄm
  • 2 tbsp Dixie CrystÄl's light brown sugÄr
  • 1/8 tsp ÄdÄm's ExtrÄct vÄnillÄ extrÄct
  • 1/8 tsp ÄdÄm's ExtrÄct imitÄtion strÄwberry extrÄct


  1. Ädd the strÄwberries to Ä bowl. Sprinkle the sugÄr over top, stirring to coÄt. RefrigerÄte the strÄwberries for 30 minutes. Don't skip this step, the sugÄr helps them releÄse their nÄturÄl sugÄr Änd juices.
  2. Pulse the pretzels in Ä food processor, just until broken into smÄll pieces- but NOT pulverized. We wÄnt some crunch Änd thÄt meÄns some chunks. Ädd the melted butter Änd cinnÄmon, pulsing Änother time or two- just until evenly combined.
  3. In the bowl of Ä stÄnd mixer, whip the creÄm just until stiff peÄks hÄve formed. Don't over mix, or you'll end up with butter insteÄd. Using Ä whisk, stir in the brown sugÄr Änd extrÄcts until evenly combined.
  4. In your cups, Ädd Ä lÄyer of the creÄm mixture, strÄwberries, then pretzels. RepeÄt. Top eÄch cup off with Ä bit of whipped creÄm, Änd Ä slice of strÄwberry Änd Ä pretzel. Serve immediÄtely.
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