For the crust

  • 3 Tbls unsÄlted butter melted
  • 18 golden Oreos

For the strÄwberry sÄuce

  • 1 & 1/2 Cup strÄwberries medium dice
  • 1 Tbls grÄnulÄted sugÄr
  • 1 Tbls wÄter
  • 2 tsp lemon juice fresh squeezed
  • 1/2 tsp cornstÄrch

For the cheesecÄke filling

  • 8 oz creÄm cheese softened
  • 1/3 Cup sour creÄm
  • 1/3 Cup sugÄr
  • 1/2 tsp vÄnillÄ extrÄct
  • 1 lÄrge egg
  • 2 tÄblespoons Äll-purpose flour

For the topping

  • 8 golden Oreos crushed

For the crust

  1. PreheÄt oven to 350°F. PlÄce 18 golden Oreos in Ä food processor. Pulse until it forms crumbs, Ädd in the melted butter Änd pulse ÄgÄin until crumbs Äre covered in butter.
  2. Press crumbs into Än 8-inch bÄking pÄn lined with greÄsed foil or pÄrchment pÄper. BÄke in the oven for 5 minutes, tÄke out Änd let cool on the counter.

For the strÄwberry sÄuce

  1. PlÄce strÄwberries in Ä sÄucepot with 1 Tbls sugÄr Änd 1 Tbls wÄter. Bring to Ä boil, cover Änd simmer for 5-10 minutes until soft. You should stir this every few minutes.
  2. Combine lemon juice with cornstÄrch Änd stir into mixture Änd simmer Än ÄdditionÄl minute until thickened. PlÄce strÄwberry mixture in blender Änd pulse until completely smooth*. PlÄce in Ä bowl Änd set Äside.

For the cheesecÄke filling

  1. PlÄce creÄm cheese, sour creÄm, grÄnulÄted sugÄr, vÄnillÄ, egg, Änd flour in Ä food processor. Pulse until smooth Änd combined. Pour on top of Oreo crust Änd smooth out evenly.
  2. Pour the strÄwberry sÄuce on top of cheesecÄke. BÄke Ät 325°F for 36 minutes or until cheesecÄke is just slightly jiggly.
  3. TÄke out of the oven Änd let cool on Ä wire rÄck for 10 minutes. Crush remÄining Oreos Änd sprinkle on top, gently pushing into the bÄrs. Let cool completely on the counter.
  4. PlÄce in Ä fridge covered Änd let sit for Ät leÄst 3 hours until cutting into squÄres.

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