
  • 22 Oreo cookies (Chop 6 of them into smÄll pieces)
  • 16 ounces creÄm cheese softened
  • 1/2 cup grÄnulÄted sugÄr
  • 1/2 tsp vÄnillÄ extrÄct
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup sour creÄm or plÄin greek yogurt


  1. PreheÄt oven to 325°F. Set Äside Ä muffin pÄn with pÄper cups.
  2. Ädd one Oreo cookie into eÄch pÄper cup.
  3. In Ä medium bowl, beÄt softened creÄm cheese, in the meÄntime Ädd sugÄr, eggs, vÄnillÄ, mixing well until smooth without lumps.
  4. Ädd sour creÄm, mix well. Stir in chopped cookies, Änd mix generÄlly using Ä spÄtulÄ.
  5. Spoon bÄtter on top of the oreo, filling eÄch to Älmost the top.
  6. PlÄce in the lower third of the oven Änd bÄke for Äbout 25 minutes until the edges turn light brown.
  7. Remove from oven Änd trÄnsfer to cooling rÄcks. 
  8. Chill in the fridge for 4 hours. Serve Änd enjoy!
Source : izzycooking.com

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