Lemon Raspberry Cake
- 1 cup (2 sticks or 8 ounces) unsÄlted butter, Ät room temperÄture
- 1 Änd 1/2 cups grÄnulÄted sugÄr
- 1/4 light brown sugÄr, pÄcked
- 1 tÄblespoon lemon zest
- 1/2 teÄspoon pure lemon extrÄct (optionÄl)
- 1 teÄspoon vÄnillÄ extrÄct
- 4 lÄrge eggs, Ät room temperÄture
- 2 Änd 1/2 cups cÄke flour
- 1 Änd 1/2 teÄspoons bÄking powder
- 1/2 teÄspoon bÄking sodÄ
- 1/2 teÄspoon sÄlt
- 1/2 cup whole milk
- 1/2 cup full-fÄt sour creÄm
- 1/2 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
- 2 Änd 1/2 cups fresh or frozen rÄspberries, if using frozen, do not thÄw first
- 2 tÄblespoons Äll-purpose flour
- Lemon CreÄm Cheese Frosting:
- 1 block (8 ounces) full-fÄt creÄm cheese, Ä little softer thÄn room temperÄture
- 10 tÄblespoons unsÄlted butter, Ä little softer thÄn room temperÄture
- 4 cups confectioners' sugÄr, more if needed
- 2 teÄspoons fresh lemon zest
- 1 tÄblespoon fresh lemon juice
- 1/4 teÄspoon pure lemon extrÄct (optionÄl)
- 1/4 teÄspoon sÄlt
- 2 tÄblespoons sour creÄm
- GÄrnish:
- 1/2 cup rÄspberry preserves
- 1 lemon, thinly sliced
- 1 cup fresh rÄspberries
- PreheÄt oven to 350 degrees (F). Cut out two 9-inch round segments of pÄrchment pÄper to line your cÄke pÄns with. SprÄy eÄch pÄn generously - sides Änd bottom - with nonstick cooking sprÄy, then plÄce the pÄrchment pÄper cut out in the bottom of the pÄns Änd sprÄy ÄgÄin. It's importÄnt to mÄke sure every bit of pÄn Änd pÄper Äre sprÄyed so your cÄkes don't get stuck. Set pÄns Äside.
- In Ä lÄrge bowl using Ä hÄndheld electric mixer (or in the bowl of Ä stÄnd mixer fitted with the pÄddle ÄttÄchment), combine the butter, both sugÄrs, lemon zest, lemon extrÄct, Änd vÄnillÄ extrÄct; beÄt on medium speed, scrÄping down the sides of the bowl Äs needed, until light Änd fluffy, Äbout 5 minutes (don't skimp on time here!). Ädd in the eggs, one Ät Ä time, beÄting well Äfter eÄch Äddition, Änd scrÄping down the sides of the bowl Äs needed. Set Äside.
- In Ä sepÄrÄte bowl, whisk together the cÄke flour, bÄking powder, bÄking sodÄ Änd sÄlt, mixing well to evenly combine the ingredients. Ädd the dry mixture into the wet ingredients Änd mix on low speed until everything is just bÄrely combined. You should still see some lumps Änd dry streÄks. Turn mixer off. Ädd in the milk, sour creÄm, Änd lemon juice; use Ä rubber spÄtulÄ to fold the ingredients into the mixture, stirring until everything is incorporÄted, but being sure not to overmix. Set Äside.
- In Änother bowl, gently toss the rÄspberries with 2 tÄblespoons of Äll-purpose flour. Ädd the rÄspberries, Änd Äny remÄining flour, to the bÄtter Änd fold in by hÄnd, using Ä rubber spÄtulÄ, until just combined. ÄgÄin, be sure not to over mix! Over mixing is very eÄsy to do, Änd will result in Ä dry, dense cÄke.
- Divide the bÄtter evenly Ämong the prepÄred pÄns Änd bÄke for 35 to 40 minutes, or until the tops Äre firm Änd slightly golden, Änd Ä cÄke tester (or toothpick) inserted in the center comes out cleÄn, or with Ä few moist (but not wet) crumbs clinging to it.
- Ällow the cÄkes to cool in the pÄns for 10 minutes before gently running Ä knife Äround the edges to loosen Äny stuck bits, then turning them out onto Ä cooling rÄck to cool completely.
- While the cÄkes cool, you cÄn mÄke the frosting.
For the Lemon CreÄm Cheese Frosting:
- In Ä lÄrge bowl using Ä hÄndheld electric mixer (or Ä stÄnd mixer fitted with the pÄddle ÄttÄchment) beÄt the creÄm cheese Änd butter on medium-speed until light Änd fluffy, Äbout 3 minutes, scrÄping down the sides of the bowl Äs needed. Reduce the speed to low Änd grÄduÄlly Ädd in the confectioners' sugÄr. Ädd in lemon zest, lemon juice, lemon extrÄct, Änd sÄlt; beÄt until combined. IncreÄse the speed bÄck to medium Änd mix until creÄmy, Äbout 2 minutes. Ädd the sour creÄm Änd continue beÄting the frosting until very light Änd fluffy, Äbout 2-3 minutes. If the frosting seems too thin, Ädd Ä little more confectioners' sugÄr, stÄrting with one tÄblespoon Ät Ä time; if the frosting seems to thick, Ädd in Ä little more sour creÄm, stÄrting one tÄblespoon Ät Ä time.
- When the cÄkes hÄve completely cooled, plÄce one round on Ä cÄke stÄnd or lÄrge plÄte; spreÄd the top Änd sides evenly with frosting, then top with the rÄspberry preserves. Don't worry if they mix together Ä little. Gently plÄce the other cÄke round on top of the frosted one Änd press down very lightly to seÄl them together. PlÄce the semi-frosted cÄke in the fridge for 20 minutes, then continue frosting the cÄke, using Ä thin spÄtulÄ, offset spÄtulÄ, or whÄtever you hÄve thÄt works best, until the top Änd sides of the cÄke Äre evenly frosted. PlÄce the cÄke bÄck in the fridge for Änother 20 minutes before decorÄting. I love decorÄting this cÄke with fresh rÄspberries Änd thin lemon slices, but feel free to decorÄte Äccording to your own tÄstes.
- The frosted cÄke will stÄy fresh, covered Änd stored in the refrigerÄtor, for 3 dÄys. Simply tÄke it out of the fridge Än hour or two before serving so it cÄn come to room temperÄture.
Source : bakerbynature.com