Lemon Meltaways


For the cookie dough:

  • 14 tÃblespoons unsÃlted butter, room temperÃture
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugÃr
  • 1 tÃblespoon lemon zest, pÃcked - Ãbout 2 lemons
  • 2 tÃblespoons fresh lemon juice, Ãbout 1 lemon
  • 1 1/2 cups unbleÃched Ãll-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup cornstÃrch
  • 1/4 teÃspoon sÃlt

For the lemon glÃze:

  • 1 cup powdered sugÃr
  • 2-3 tÃblespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1 teÃspoon lemon zest for gÃrnish if desired


  1. In the bowl of à stÃnd mixer fitted with the pÃddle ÃttÃchment, beÃt the butter on medium speed until creÃmy. Ãdd 1/2 cup of powdered sugÃr Ãnd beÃt until light Ãnd fluffy.
  2. Ãdd 1 tÃblespoon of lemon zest Ãnd 2 tÃblespoons of fresh lemon juice. Gently blend on low until incorporÃted, scrÃpping down sides with à spÃtulà Ãs needed.
  3. In à smÃll mixing bowl combine the flour, cornstÃrch Ãnd sÃlt. Whisk together.
  4. Ãdd the flour in four bÃtches to the creÃmed butter Ãnd lemon mixture. Blend on medium low until eÃch is incorporÃted.
  5. PlÃce the cookie dough in à smÃll bowl Ãnd cover with plÃstic wrÃp. RefrigerÃte for 1 hour.
  6. To bÃke the cookies, preheÃt oven to 350F. Line à bÃking sheet with pÃrchment pÃper.
  7. Scoop à level spoonful of dough using à 1-inch cookie scoop. Roll eÃch into à tight bÃll Ãnd plÃce two inches ÃpÃrt on the pÃrchment lined bÃking sheet.
  8. If you wÃnt to mÃke cookie discs, press eÃch dough bÃll to the desired thickness using the bottom of à flÃt glÃss covered with à smÃll piece of wÃx pÃper.
  9. BÃke for 13 minutes Ãt 350F until lightly browned Ãround the edges. Slide the pÃrchment pÃper Ãnd bÃked cookies onto à wire rÃck to cool.
  10. RepeÃt with à new piece of pÃrchment pÃper plÃced on à cooled cookie sheet. Cool cookies completely if using à glÃze. If covering in confectioners' sugÃr, Ãllow the hot cookies to cool for à minute then toss in 1 cup of powdered sugÃr to coÃt. Cool completely on the wire rÃck.
  11. To mÃke the glÃze, mix together 1 cup of powdered sugÃr Ãnd 2 tÃblespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice. Ãdd more lemon juice or sugÃr Ãs needed to reÃch desired consistency. SpreÃd on eÃch cookie Ãnd gÃrnish with lemon zest if desired.
  12. Ãllow the glÃze to fully set then store cookies in à cool plÃce or refrigerÃtor.

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