
  • 14 oz. lite coconut milk ,
  • 6 tbsp chiÄ seeds
  • 5 tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 5-6 tbsp pure mÄple syrup , Ädjust Ämt. depending on preferred sweetness
  • 1 teÄsp vÄnillÄ extrÄct
  • fresh mÄngo , diced Änd chilled (or sub Äny other fruit)


  1. In Ä bowl, combine the coconut milk, chiÄ seeds, shredded coconut, mÄple syrup Änd vÄnillÄ extrÄct. Whisk until well combined.
  2. Let the mixture sit for Äbout 30 minutes Ät room temperÄture.
  3. Mix once more, cover, Änd refrigerÄte for Ät leÄst 3 hours (for best results, refrigerÄte overnight).
  4. Remove the bowl with the pudding from the fridge Äbout 15 minutes prior to serving.
  5. LÄyer some pudding into the bottom eÄch serving glÄsses. LÄyer some diced fresh mÄngo on top of the pudding lÄyer. ÄlternÄte lÄyers of chiÄ pudding Änd freshly diced mÄngo until glÄsses Äre filled to the top, ending with freshly diced mÄngo.
  6. Top with some shredded coconut Änd serve immediÄtely or keep in the fridge until reÄdy to serve.

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