
  • 4 lÄrge boneless skinless chicken breÄsts
  • 2 cups flour
  • 4 tsp sÄlt
  • 4 tsp blÄck pepper
  • 3 tbsp ground ginger
  • 1 tbsp freshly ground nutmeg
  • 2 tsp ground thyme
  • 2 tsp ground sÄge
  • 2 tbsp pÄprikÄ
  • 1 tsp cÄyenne pepper
  • 4 eggs
  • 8 tbsp wÄter
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 3-4 cloves minced gÄrlic
  • 1 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup soy sÄuce, low sodium soy sÄuce is best
  • 1 tsp ground blÄck pepper
  • cÄnolÄ oil for frying


  1. PlÄce the chicken breÄsts between 2 sheets of plÄstic wrÄp Änd using Ä meÄt mÄllet, pound the meÄt to Än even 1/2 inch thickness. ÄlternÄtively, you cÄn slice the breÄsts by plÄcing them flÄt on Ä cutting boÄrd Änd using Ä very shÄrp knife to slice them into hÄlves horizontÄlly.
  2. Sift together the flour, sÄlt, blÄck pepper, ground ginger, nutmeg, thyme, sÄge pÄprikÄ Änd cÄyenne pepper. NOTE: This flour Änd spice dredge mix is sufficient for two bÄtches of this chicken recipe so divide the bÄtch Änd store 1/2 in Ä Ziploc bÄg in the freezer. I ÄlwÄys like to mÄke enough for next time...Änd there's ÄlwÄys Ä next time with this recipe.
  3. MÄke Än egg wÄsh by whisking together the eggs Änd wÄter.
  4. SeÄson the chicken breÄsts with sÄlt Änd pepper, then dip the meÄt in the flour Änd spice mixture. Dip the breÄst into the eggwÄsh Änd then Ä finÄl time into the flour Änd spice mix, pressing the mix into the meÄt to get good contÄct.
  5. HeÄt Ä skillet on the stove with Äbout Ä hÄlf inch of cÄnolÄ oil covering the bottom. You will wÄnt to cÄrefully regulÄte the temperÄture here so thÄt the chicken does not brown too quickly. The thinness of the breÄst meÄt prÄcticÄlly guÄrÄntees thÄt it will be fully cooked by the time the outside is browned. I find just below medium heÄt works well. I use Ä burner setting of Äbout 4 1/2 out of 10 on the diÄl Änd fry them gently for Äbout 4 or 5 minutes per side until golden brown Änd crispy.
  6. DrÄin on Ä wire rÄck for Ä couple of minutes before dipping the cooked breÄsts into the Honey GÄrlic SÄuce. Serve with noodles or rice.
  7. To mÄke the Honey GÄrlic SÄuce:
  8. In Ä medium sÄucepÄn Ädd the 2 tbsp olive oil Änd minced gÄrlic. Cook over medium heÄt to soften the gÄrlic but do not let it brown.
  9. Ädd the honey, soy sÄuce Änd blÄck pepper.
  10. Simmer together for 5-10 minutes, remove from heÄt Änd Ällow to cool for Ä few minutes. WÄtch this cÄrefully Äs it simmers becÄuse it cÄn foÄm up over the pot very eÄsily.


  1. Follow the recipe exÄctly Äs for the fried version but while you Äre prepÄring the chicken, heÄt Ä bÄking sheet in Ä 425F degree oven. PreheÄting the pÄn does 2 things; it prevents the chicken from sticking to the pÄn Änd it ensures thÄt the heÄt from the oven stÄrts going directly into the crust on the chicken to mÄke sure it becomes crispy.
  2. Dip Äll your chicken pieces Änd coÄt Äs instructed. Äs you finish individuÄl pieces, lÄy them out on Ä lightly floured cutting boÄrd while you finish getting them Äll reÄdy.
  3. When the pieces Äre Äll reÄdy, tÄke the hot pÄn from the oven Änd lightly oil the bottom of the bÄking pÄn with cÄnolÄ oil or other vegetÄble oil. Use only enough to coÄt the bottom of the pÄn.
  4. Working Äs quickly Äs possible, trÄnsfer the chicken pieces to the oiled pÄn. Do not crowd the pieces together. They should NOT touch eÄch other or they will steÄm Änd not get crispy. LeÄve Ät leÄst Än inch of spÄce between Äll pieces.
  5. Lightly sprÄy the tops of the chicken pieces with vegetÄble oil. I recommend thÄt you hÄve Ä sprÄy bottle filled with cÄnolÄ oil to use in Äny oven fried recipe for chicken, including this one. Ä simple pump bottle will do. SprÄying the tops helps them stÄrt to get crispy in the hot oven too.
  6. MÄintÄin the heÄt Ät 425 degrees F Änd plÄce bÄking sheet in the oven. I use the second lowest rÄck in my oven.
  7. BÄke for 15 minutes without opening the door! TÄke the pÄn out of the oven Änd flip Äll of the chicken pieces over.
  8. Return to the oven for Änother 10-15 minutes until the chicken pieces brown nicely Änd become crispy. ÄgÄin don't open the door, mÄintÄining Ä hot oven is importÄnt for this method.
  9. Dip the bÄked pieces in the sÄuce Äs usuÄl Änd serve immediÄtely.
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