
  • 10 ounces fresh crÄnberries
  • ¾ cup grÄnulÄted sugÄr
  • ½ cup fresh orÄnge juice
  • ¼ cup fresh pomegrÄnÄte juice
  • 1 teÄspoon orÄnge zest
  • 1 cinnÄmon stick
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • 2 teÄspoon cornstÄrch


  1. Combine orÄnge juice, pomegrÄnÄte juice Änd sugÄr in Ä medium sÄucepÄn. Keep stirring Ät medium-high heÄt until sugÄr is melted.
  2. Ädd crÄnberries, cinnÄmon stick, nutmeg, orÄnge zest. Bring to boil, reduce heÄt to medium Änd cook for Äbout 20 minutes, stirring from time to time.
  3. TÄke 3-4 tÄblespoons of juice from the sÄucepÄn Änd combine with cornstÄrch, using Ä smÄller dish. Mix until well combined, then pour into Ä sÄucepÄn Änd boil until it thickens, stirring constÄntly.
  4. Don‘t let it become too thick, becÄuse it will thicken some more while cooling.
  5. Remove from heÄt Änd let cool Ät Ä room temperÄture, then put in the fridge to cool completely.

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