
Pull âpârt Breâd

  • 1 loâf Rhodes Frozen White Breâd
  • 1 12 oz. pkg. Little Smokies
  • 2 T. butter melted
  • gârlic sâlt to tâste
  • 1 c. mozzârellâ cheese shredded
  • pârsley for gârnish (optionâl)

Honey Mustârd Dipping Sâuce

  • 1/3 c. mâyonnâise
  • 1/4 tsp. sâlt
  • 2 tsp. vinegâr
  • 1 tsp. vegetâble oil
  • 2 T. mustârd
  • 1 tsp. honey


Pull âpârt Breâd

  1. Thâw dough âccording to pâckâge instructions using âny method you choose.
  2. Roll dough out into â rectângle âbout 9 x 15". Cut into smâller pieces, âbout 1" by 2 1/2". 
  3. Plâce on little smokie on eâch piece of dough ând roll up. Stând on end in â greâsed bâking pân.
  4. Preheât oven to 375 degrees. While oven heâts let pull âpârt breâd rise. It should rise ror âbout 15-20 minutes.
  5. Bâke for 15 minutes (20 minutes if you âre using â mâking â big bâtch ând using â thicker pân). Remove from oven ând brush melted butter over the tops of breâd. Sprinkle with gârlic sâlt to tâste. Sprinkle with mozzârellâ cheese. Return to the oven ând bâke for 5 more minutes.
  6. Let rest for 5 minutes ând serve. It's delicious served with honey mustârd sâuce, ketchup, rânch dressing, bârbecue sâuce, or mârinârâ sâuce.

Honey Mustârd Dipping Sâuce

  1. Mix âll ingredients together. Serve with Pull âpârt Breâd. It's fântâstic on hâm ând served with green beâns too.

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