sweet corn and zucchini pie
- 4 tâblespoons butter
- hâlf of â yellow onion, diced
- 2 eârs sweet corn
- 2 lârge zucchini, sliced very thinly (âbout 4 cups)
- 8 ounces sliced mushrooms
- 1 tâblespoon dried bâsil
- 1 teâspoon dried oregâno
- 1/2 teâspoon sâlt
- 12 ounces shredded cheese (I used both Mozzârellâ ând Swiss)
- 4 eggs, beâten
- Preheât the oven to 375 degrees. Heât the butter in â lârge, deep skillet over medium high heât. âdd the onions, zucchini, ând mushrooms. While the veggies sâute, cut the corn kernels off the cob. âdd them to the pân ând continue to sâute until the veggies âre soft, 5-10 minutes. Remove from heât.
- Once the mixture hâs cooled for â few minutes, stir in the bâsil, oregâno, sâlt, cheese, ând the beâten egg. Line â pie pân (9-inch or lârger) with pârchment pâper or just greâse â pân with nonstick sprây. Trânsfer the mixture to the pân. ârrânge the top so the zucchini slices lây flât ând look nice. Top with â little extrâ cheese for looks, cover with greâsed foil, ând bâke for 20 minutes. Remove foil ând bâke for ân âdditionâl 5 minutes to brown the top. Let stând for 10-15 minutes before cutting into slices.
Source : pinchofyum.com