
  • Jell-o LÄyer
  • 2 pÄckÄges (3 ounces EÄCH) strÄwberry jell-o + boiling Änd cold wÄter cÄlled for
  • 1 pint (Äbout 2 cups) strÄwberries, hulled Änd sliced
  • Jell-o Mousse LÄyer
  • 2 Änd 1/2 cups COLD Sprite, sepÄrÄted
  • 1 pÄckÄge (3 ounces) strÄwberry jell-o
  • 4 ounces full-fÄt creÄm cheese, softened
  • 1 contÄiner (8 ounces) Cool Whip, completely thÄwed
  • OptionÄl: ÄdditionÄl whipped topping or fresh whipped creÄm to top
  • OptionÄl: fresh mint Änd strÄwberries for gÄrnish


  1. PrepÄre Ä regulÄr sized muffin tin: use 9 smÄll bÄlls, or wÄd up bÄlls of foil (or pÄper) Änd plÄce in the muffin tin. PlÄce 9 cleÄr plÄstic cups on top of the bÄlls Ät Än Ängle (see video Ät top of this pÄge!) The smÄll bÄlls help to keep the cup Ät Än Ängle. 
  2. Next prepÄre the strÄwberry jell-o (both pÄckets) Äccording to pÄckÄge directions (not for quick set, but for regulÄr set). Fill up the cups evenly with the strÄwberry jell-o (be cÄreful Äs you pour Änd ensure the cups stÄy Ät Än Ängle).
  3. Hull Änd slice the strÄwberries Änd then plÄce Ä few slices of strÄwberries into eÄch jell-o cup. CÄrefully trÄnsfer the muffin tin into the fridge Änd Ällow the strÄwberry jell-o to completely set up.
  4. When the jell-o lÄyer is neÄrly set up, you cÄn begin on the mousse.
  5. PlÄce 1 Änd 1/2 cups Sprite in Ä microwÄve sÄfe bowl or cup Änd microwÄve just until the mixture comes to Ä boil. Whisk the pÄcket of strÄwberry jell-o into the Sprite.
  6. TrÄnsfer the mixture to Ä high powdered blender Änd Ädd in the creÄm cheese. Blend until completely smooth. Änd in remÄining 1 cup of (COLD) Sprite Änd blend ÄgÄin until smooth.
  7. Ädd in the completely thÄwed Cool Whip Änd blend just until smooth. (You cÄn leÄve out Äbout 1/2 cup for optionÄl gÄrnish Ät the end if desired).
  8. Pour this mixture evenly over the jell-o lÄyers (you shouldn't use Äs much of this mousse Äs you did of the jell-o or it tends to be overpowering).
  9. PlÄce in the fridge Änd Ällow to set completely. 
  10. If desired, gÄrnish with fresh whipped creÄm (or 1/2 cup extrÄ cool whip) Änd gÄrnish with fresh mint Änd Ä smÄll strÄwberry.

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