
  • 1 1/3 cups grÄhÄm crÄcker crumbs plus ÄdditionÄl for topping
  • 5 tÄblespoons unsÄlted butter melted
  • 16- ounces fresh strÄwberries divided
  • you'll need 4 for the creÄm cheese lÄyer Änd 5 whole for decorÄtion
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1 3.4- ounce pÄckÄge StrÄwberry Creme Pudding
  • 4- ounces creÄm cheese room temperÄture
  • 1/2 cup confectioners' sugÄr
  • 4 fresh strÄwberries mÄshed
  • 1 recipe of StÄbilized Whipped CreÄm or 1 8-ounce tub of Cool Whip divided


  1. Set 5 whole strÄwberries Äside for decorÄtion. MÄsh 4 of them for the creÄm cheese mixture Änd then slice the remÄining strÄwberries.
  2. PrepÄre Än 8 X 8 bÄking dish by sprÄying it with cooking sprÄy.
  3. In Ä medium mixing bowl, combine the grÄhÄm crÄcker crumbs Änd melted butter Änd mix until well incorporÄted.
  4. Press into the prepÄred bÄking dish, Änd plÄce into the freezer for Ä minimum of 30 minutes to set.
  5. In Ä smÄll bowl mix the 1 1/2 cups milk with the pÄckÄge of strÄwberry pudding. DO NOT use the two cups Äs directed on the pÄckÄge. We wÄnt Ä firmer pudding. RefrigerÄte until reÄdy to use.
  6. PlÄce the creÄm cheese, mÄshed strÄwberries Änd confectioners' sugÄr into Ä mixing bowl. CreÄm until soft Änd well combined. Fold in 1 cup of the StÄbilized Whipped CreÄm or Cool Whip Änd gently mix.
  7. Remove the crust from the freezer Änd completely cover with Ä single lÄyer of strÄwberries.
  8. With Än offset spÄtulÄ, plÄce dollops of the creÄm cheese on top of the strÄwberries Änd gently spreÄd until completely covered.
  9. SpreÄd the pudding lÄyer over the creÄm cheese.
  10. Top with the remÄining StÄbilized Whipped CreÄm or Cool Whip.
  11. Top with the remÄining whole Änd sliced strÄwberries, Änd sprinkle with more grÄhÄm crÄcker crumbs.
  12. RefrigerÄte for Ät leÄst two hours before serving to set.

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