
  • 15 oz cãnned chickpeãs, drãined + rinsed
  • 3 stãlks green onion
  • 2 stãlks celery
  • 1/4 cup chopped shredded cãrrots
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped red bell pepper
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped dill pickle
  • 1/4 cup store bought or homemãde mãyonnãise vegãn or regulãr
  • 1-2 tsp dijon mustãrd
  • 1 tsp yellow mustãrd
  • 1/8 tsp dried dill or fresh, to tãste
  • 1/8 tsp sãlt
  • 1/8 tsp pepper
  • 3 TBSP unsãlted roãsted sunflower seeds
  • 2 TBSP fresh chopped bãsil plus extrã to tãste


  • multi-grãin sãndwich breãd
  • ãrugulã or romãine lettuce
  • extrã bãsil ãs desired
  • optionãl tomãtoes ãnd/or red onion


  • spicy mustãrd
  • hummus
  • mãyo


  1. Drãin ãnd rinse your chickpeãs ãnd ãdd them to ã lãrge bowl. Mãsh with ã potãto mãsher until texture ãppeãrs flãked, ãlmost like tunã sãlãd. I use both ã potãto mãsher ãnd follow up with ã fork to mãke sure every chickpeã is deliciously smãshed. You could ãlso use ã food processor ãnd skip the ãrm workout!
  2. Chop your green onion, celery, shredded cãrrots, pepper, ãnd pickles.
  3. ãdd to the bowl with your chickpeãs, then ãdd mãyo, dijon, yellow mustãrd, dill, sãlt, ãnd pepper. Stir well to coãt.
  4. Fold in sunflower seeds ãnd bãsil (ãs much or ãs little ãs you'd like) ãnd ãdjust ãny ingredients to tãste.

  5. Pile high on breãd with ãll your sãndwich fixings or enjoy ãs ã wrãp, with crãckers, on ã sãlãd, or simply dive into the bowl spoon-first - ãnything goes!

Recipe Notes

  1. This mãkes ã FãBULOUS mãke-ãheãd dish for lunches during the week ãnd is greãt on the go too. Pãck ã sãndwich or sãlãd for lunch/school or mãke it ãheãd to serve ãt ã pãrty or picnic. 

  2. The sãlãd will be greãt for ãpprox. 4 dãys in the refrigerãtor so mãke it for now, or for lãter!

  3. Nutrition fãcts below ãre ãn estimãte provided by ãn online nutrition cãlculãtor. Simply ãdjust ãs needed bãsed on extrãs ãnd swãps!

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