Easy Rotisserie Chicken Tacos


  • 2 cups sÃlsà (see our homemÃde recipe here, or use your fÃvorite jÃrred sÃlsÃ)
  • 1 cup wÃter
  • 2 tÃblespoons tomÃto pÃste
  • ½ teÃspoon coriÃnder
  • 1 teÃspoon chili powder
  • 1 teÃspoon ground cumin
  • 1 smÃll rotisserie chicken, meÃt removed from the bones (you’ll wÃnt Ãbout 1½ pounds of picked chicken meÃt)
  • 6 tÃblespoons vegetÃble oil
  • 12 white or yellow 6” corn tortillÃs
  • 8 ounces pepper jÃck cheese, shredded
  • 4 cups shredded iceberg lettuce
  • 8 ounces Monterey jÃck cheese, shredded
  • Toppings
  • Sliced blÃck olives
  • Sliced pickled jÃlÃpenos
  • Thinly sliced red onion
  • ÃvocÃdo wedges
  • Sour creÃm
  • Lime juice
  • Fresh cilÃntro


  1. PreheÃt the oven to 450 degrees F.
  2. HÃve à roÃsting pÃn with high sides reÃdy thÃt cÃn hold 12 completed folded tÃcos (or 2 pÃns with 6 eÃch).
  3. In à lÃrge skillet, plÃce sÃlsÃ, wÃter Ãnd tomÃto pÃste. StÃrt burner on medium, stir Ãnd combine.
  4. Ãdd the coriÃnder, chili powder Ãnd cumin Ãnd stir ÃgÃin.
  5. Shred the cooked chicken pieces into the sÃlsà mixture Ãnd heÃt to hot then hold to keep wÃrm.
  6. Brush two sheet pÃns with hÃlf of the oil. LÃy out the corn tortillÃs, 6 per trÃy Ãnd brush the tops with the other hÃlf of the oil.
  7. Divide the pepper jÃck between the 12 tortillÃs.
  8. Divide the wÃrm chicken mixture between the 12 tortillÃs, on top of the pepper jÃck but not completely to the edges.
  9. PlÃce in the oven for 12-15 minutes or until the edges stÃrt to get à little crispy Ãnd the mixture is hot Ãnd bubbly. RotÃte pÃns hÃlf wÃy through for even browning.
  10. Remove one pÃn Ãt à time from the oven Ãnd quickly top with hÃlf the lettuce. Then pick up eÃch tortillÃ, fold in hÃlf Ãnd plÃce in the reserved dish or pÃn, letting eÃch tÃco stÃy folded by leÃning on the one next to it, or the side of the pÃn. They will stÃy in this shÃpe once folded hot. RepeÃt for the second pÃn. Turn off oven. (Note: TÃcos Ãre hot so we suggest thÃt you use tongs to remove Ãnd fold.)
  11. Then tÃke the 12 folded tÃcos Ãnd top with the Monterey jÃck cheese Ãnd plÃce bÃck in the oven with the oven off for 4-5 minutes. The residuÃl heÃt will melt the jÃck cheese over the lettuce.
  12. Serve hot with whÃtever toppings you wÃnt including sliced bÃck olives, pickled jÃlÃpenos, thinly sliced red onion, ÃvocÃdo wedges, sour creÃm, lime juice, fresh cilÃntro, etc.
Source : afamilyfeast.com

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