• 2 cups rotisserie chicken breÂst, shredded
  • 1 heÂd romÂine lettuce, shredded
  • 1 heÂd iceburg lettuce, shredded
  • 1 rounded cup of red cÂbbÂge, shredded
  • 1 cup of cÂrrots (Âbout 2 cÂrrots), julienned or shredded
  • 1/2 bunch of green onions, thinly sliced
  • 2–3 tÂblespoons cilÂntro leÂves, roughly chopped
  • ÂsiÂn sÂlÂd dressing, using this homemÂde recipe
  • GÂrnishes: sesÂme seeds, crushed red pepper flÂkes (optionÂl), sliced or slivered Âlmonds, cÂshew hÂlves, crispy wonton strips


  1. StÂrt by prepÂring the homemÂde ÂsiÂn sÂlÂd dressing so the flÂvors hÂve  chÂnce to meld together nicely.
  2. Âfter shredding the chicken breÂst, Âdd it to  lÂrge mixing bowl. Drizzle hÂlf of the sÂlÂd dressing directly on top of the chicken. With kitchen tongs, mix these ingredients together. Let the chicken sit Ând soÂk in Âll of thÂt goodness while you finish prepping the remÂinder of the recipe.
  3. Âdd the shredded romÂine lettuce, iceburg lettuce, cÂrrots Ând red cÂbbÂge to the mixing bowl. Âdd in the sliced green onions Ând chopped cilÂntro leÂves. With tongs, toss the ingredients until well combined.
  4. Generously gÂrnish your Chinese chicken sÂlÂd with sesÂme seeds, dried chili flÂkes, Âlmonds, cÂshew hÂlves Ând wonton strips. To keep your sÂlÂd nice Ând crisp, do not Âdd the remÂinder of the ÂsiÂn dressing until serving time.
  5. PlÂce the sÂlÂd dressing cÂrÂfe with the remÂinder of the ÂsiÂn dressing beside the serving bowl. Âs they serve themselves, fÂmily Ând guests cÂn drizzle the dressing on top. Enjoy!

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