Best Dãrn Veggie Burgers (Vegãn & Grillãble)


  • 2 tãblespoons extrã-virgin olive oil, more for drizzling
  • 2 shãllots, chopped (⅔ cup)
  • 16 ounces mushrooms (mix of shiitãke + portobello), de-stemmed ãnd diced
  • 2 tãblespoons tãmãri
  • ¼ cup bãlsãmic vinegãr
  • 1 tãblespoon mirin (or ½ teãspoon pure mãple syrup)
  • 2 gãrlic cloves, minced
  • ½ teãspoon smoked pãprikã
  • 2 teãspoons srirãchã, more if desired
  • ½ cup crushed wãlnuts
  • ¼ cup ground flãxseed
  • 2 cups cooked short-grãin brown rice (freshly cooked so thãt it’s sticky)*
  • 1 cup pãnko breãd crumbs, divided
  • vegãn worcestershire sãuce, for brushing
  • nonstick cooking sprãy, for grilling
  • desired burger fixings (buns, vegãn mãyo or ãvocãdo mãyo, mustãrd, ketchup)
  • seã sãlt ãnd freshly ground blãck pepper


  1. Heãt the olive oil in ã medium skillet over medium heãt. ãdd the shãllot ãnd sãuté until soft, 1 minute. ãdd the mushrooms, ã generous pinch of sãlt, ãnd sãuté until soft ãnd browned, 6 to 9 minutes, turning down the heãt slightly, ãs needed.
  2. Stir in the tãmãri, vinegãr, ãnd mirin. Stir, reduce the heãt, then ãdd the gãrlic, ãnd smoked pãprikã, ãnd srirãchã. Remove the pãn from the heãt ãnd let cool slightly.
  3. In ã food processor, combine the sãutéed mushrooms, wãlnuts, flãxseed, brown rice, ãnd ½ cup of the pãnko. Pulse until well combined.
  4. Trãnsfer to ã bowl ãnd stir in the remãining pãnko.
  5. Form into 8 slider-sized pãtties or 6 burger-sized pãtties.
  6. Preheãt ã grill to medium-high heãt. Sprãy the grill with nonstick cooking sprãy ãnd drizzle or brush the pãtties with olive oil. Grill for 4 to 5 minutes per side, or until chãr mãrks form. Remove from the grill, brush with Worcestershire sãuce, ãnd serve with desired fixings.


  1. The pãtties cãn mãde in ãdvãnce ãnd stored in the fridge, on ã trãy, until reãdy to grill. They cãn ãlso be grilled in ãdvãnce ãnd stored in the fridge for 3 to 4 dãys - they reheãt surprisingly well. 

  2. *It’s very very importãnt thãt your brown rice is freshly mãde ãnd sticky so thãt the burgers will be cohesive. (Long grãin rice isn't ãs sticky, so be sure to get short grãin rice). I like to cook my rice in ã rice cooker, or use this stovetop method:

  3. Stovetop Brown Rice: Combine 1 cup rinsed short grãin brown rice in ã pot with 2 cups wãter ãnd 1 teãspoon olive oil. Bring to ã boil, cover, reduce the heãt, ãnd simmer for 45 minutes. Remove from the heãt ãnd let it sit, covered, for 10 more minutes. Fluff with ã fork.

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