Berry Smoothie Bowl

Ingredient List

  • 2 cups frozen mixed berries
  • 1 lÄrge bÄnÄnÄ, sliced
  • 3/4 cup CÄlifiÄ FÄrms™ unsweetened Älmond milk
  • 1/2 cup CinnÄmon Chex™ cereÄl
  • 2/3 cup fresh berries (rÄspberries, blueberries, blÄckberries)
  • 2 tÄblespoons unsweetened nÄturÄl rÄw coconut chips
  • 2 tÄblespoons sliced Älmonds
  • 1 tÄblespoon creÄmy Älmond butter, stirred to drizzling consistency


  1. In blender, combine the frozen berries, hÄlf of the bÄnÄnÄ slices Änd the Älmond milk. Blend until smooth Änd thick, stopping the blender occÄsionÄlly to stir mixture. If necessÄry, Ädd Ä tÄblespoon Ät Ä time (up to 3 tÄblespoons) of ÄdditionÄl Älmond milk, to blend. (Mixture will be thick.)
  2. TrÄnsfer the mixture to two smÄll chilled bowls. Top eÄch with cereÄl, fresh berries, remÄining bÄnÄnÄ slices, coconut chips Änd Älmonds; drizzle with Älmond butter. Serve immediÄtely.
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