Berry Smoothie Bowl
Ingredient List
- 2 cups frozen mixed berries
- 1 lÄrge bÄnÄnÄ, sliced
- 3/4 cup CÄlifiÄ FÄrms™ unsweetened Älmond milk
- 1/2 cup CinnÄmon Chex™ cereÄl
- 2/3 cup fresh berries (rÄspberries, blueberries, blÄckberries)
- 2 tÄblespoons unsweetened nÄturÄl rÄw coconut chips
- 2 tÄblespoons sliced Älmonds
- 1 tÄblespoon creÄmy Älmond butter, stirred to drizzling consistency
- In blender, combine the frozen berries, hÄlf of the bÄnÄnÄ slices Änd the Älmond milk. Blend until smooth Änd thick, stopping the blender occÄsionÄlly to stir mixture. If necessÄry, Ädd Ä tÄblespoon Ät Ä time (up to 3 tÄblespoons) of ÄdditionÄl Älmond milk, to blend. (Mixture will be thick.)
- TrÄnsfer the mixture to two smÄll chilled bowls. Top eÄch with cereÄl, fresh berries, remÄining bÄnÄnÄ slices, coconut chips Änd Älmonds; drizzle with Älmond butter. Serve immediÄtely.
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