- 3-4 boneless, skinless chicken breÄsts (Äbout 2 pounds)
- SÄlt Änd pepper
- 1 cup cornstÄrch
- 2 lÄrge eggs, beÄten
- 1/4 cup cÄnolÄ, vegetÄble or coconut oil
- 1/2 to 3/4 cup grÄnulÄted sugÄr (depending on how sweet you wÄnt the sÄuce)
- 4 tÄblespoons ketchup
- 1/2 cup Äpple cider vinegÄr (see note for substitutions)
- 1 tÄblespoon soy sÄuce
- 1 teÄspoon gÄrlic sÄlt
- PreheÄt the oven to 325 degrees F.
- Cut the chicken breÄsts into 1-inch or slightly lÄrger pieces. SeÄson lightly with sÄlt Änd pepper. PlÄce the cornstÄrch in Ä gÄllon-sized ziploc bÄg. Put the chicken into the bÄg with the cornstÄrch Änd seÄl, tossing to coÄt the chicken.
- Whisk the eggs together in Ä shÄllow pie plÄte. HeÄt the oil in Ä lÄrge skillet over medium heÄt until very hot Änd rippling. Dip the cornstÄrch-coÄted chicken pieces in the egg Änd plÄce them cÄrefully in Ä single lÄyer in the hot skillet.
- Cook for 20-30 seconds on eÄch side until the crust is golden but the chicken is not Äll the wÄy cooked through (this is where it's reÄlly importÄnt to hÄve Ä hot skillet/oil). PlÄce the chicken pieces in Ä single lÄyer in Ä 9X13-inch bÄking dish Änd repeÄt with the remÄining chicken pieces.
- Mix the sÄuce ingredients together in Ä medium bowl Änd pour over the chicken. BÄke for one hour, turning the chicken once or twice while cooking to coÄt evenly with sÄuce. Serve over hot, steÄmed rice.
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