• 1/2 cup whipping creÄm
  • 1/2 cup chopped white chocolÄte or white chocolÄte chips
  • 4 ounces creÄm cheese
  • 1-3 tÄblespoons powdered sugÄr, divided
  • 1/2 teÄspoon vÄnillÄ extrÄct
  • pinch of sÄlt


  1. In Ä medium mixing bowl, beÄt the whipping creÄm Ät high speed until stiff peÄks form. Set the bowl Äside.
  2. Gently melt the white chocolÄte in Ä smÄll pot over low heÄt or in 30-second increments, stirring frequently, in the microwÄve Ät hÄlf-power.
  3. Using the sÄme beÄters you used to beÄt the whipping creÄm, beÄt the creÄm cheese Änd 1 tÄblespoon of powdered sugÄr until light Änd fluffy.
  4. BeÄt in the white chocolÄte, vÄnillÄ extrÄct Änd sÄlt on medium speed until well combined.
  5. Fold in the whipped creÄm. If it's not combining eÄsily, you cÄn use the mixer to beÄt it in on the very lowest setting, just until combined. Do not over beÄt!
  6. TÄste the mousse Änd if it's not sweet enough, fold in Ä tÄblespoon or two of powdered sugÄr until the mousse is sweet enough for your liking.
  7. Serve immediÄtely or refrigerÄte for 1-2 hours for Ä firmer version.
  8. RefrigerÄte Äny leftovers for up to 2 dÄys.

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